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Sweet Smiling Landscapes

Water Wise and Otherwise

Sweet Smiling Landscapes specializes in low water, California friendly plant designs and edible/productive landscaping. I find inspiration in many architectural styles, from high modern to country cottage design and everything in between. But regardless of the style of garden I am designing, I see plantings as more than a purely aesthetic decision. A guiding principle of sustainable design is that every element should have multiple functions—each plant needs to serve a greater purpose beyond just looking beautiful.

California’s native plants are adapted to the climate here, and require less water, fertilizers, and pesticides than do non-native plants. Beyond being less recourse intensive to maintain, California native plants provide crucial forage and habitat for the birds and insects of the region, allowing us to live in harmony with nature.

Edile Landscape Design

With years of experience as an edible landscape designer, Sweet Smiling Landscapes create edible gardens that are as elegant as they are productive. Edible and productive landscaping includes growing vegetables, herbal remedies, cut flowers and more. Edible landscapes can be anything from artfully placed vegetable beds to incorporating edible perennials through your landscape. Plants that are typically grown on farms can be incorporated into the landscape, creating beautiful lush spaces while providing useful goods.

Landscape Design Services

More About

As a landscape design company, we provide full services landscapes design services. With the goal of providing top level sustainable landscapes are approach is holistic. Including everything from drafting landscape plan drawings to helping spruce up your potted plants, we view your property as living breathing ecosystem. We work on all aspects of the landscape to bring clients original garden design that also work to improve the ecological health of your landscape.

  • • Sustainable hardscape design

    • Drought tolerant planting design

    Outdoor kitchen design

    • Water harvesting

    • Grading and earth works

    • Regenerative landscape design

    • Permaculture design

    • Irrigation recommendations

    • Edible Landscape Design

    • Soil care recommendations

    • Law removal recommendations

    • Container gardens

    • Plant healthcare

    • Organic pest management recommendations

    • Fire wise landscape design

Whatever it takes to turn your landscape into a beautiful and environmentally friendly space we are here to help.